jereminion: hi
disinterest: yes?
disinterest: that is to say, hello.
jereminion: fuck you
disinterest: ...
jereminion: thats how i say hey
disinterest: I like your attitude. How may I help?
jereminion: can you va for me
disinterest: depends on what. my time is finite, you see
jereminion: its a flash
disinterest: go on....
jereminion: a flash animation
disinterest: fascinating.
disinterest: how does it work?
disinterest: I mean,
disinterest: be honest with me.
disinterest: it looks hard?
jereminion: ?
jereminion: all i need is your voice
disinterest: No, see
disinterest: I mean, like
disinterest: you know how you're on the board, right?
jereminion: YES
disinterest: no
disinterest: you don't get it
disinterest: it wasn't a question
disinterest: you know how you're on the VOICE
disinterest: right?
jereminion: yes
jereminion: it is a question
disinterest: no, it's not
disinterest: a question is like this?
jereminion: you have a question mark
disinterest: but now I do not
jereminion: ok
disinterest: Amazingly, we have reached a concensus
jereminion: you did
disinterest: so answer my question
jereminion: ok
jereminion: right is right
jereminion: yes
disinterest: but is it hard?
jereminion: the animation va is not hard
jereminion: are you hard
disinterest: seeing as you're on the BOARD of VOICE
disinterest: ?
jereminion: the board isnt hard
jereminion: jk it is
disinterest: huh?
disinterest: the BOARD?
disinterest: or the board
disinterest: or are you just going to give me some sort
of idea what this flash an
disinterest: anim
disinterest: animwhatever is about
jereminion: its a good one
jereminion: plz help me
jereminion: ur humanities only hope
disinterest: okay, finally
disinterest: I mean
disinterest: like
disinterest: you see
disinterest: like
disinterest: I'm in a dark room.
jereminion: ok
jereminion: turn onthe light
disinterest: I'm asking, screaming, PLEADING out
disinterest: hah, lulztsopts
disinterest: anyhoo
jereminion: lulz
disinterest: I'm pleading to know what exactly is going
disinterest: I'm stumbling
disinterest: afraid
jereminion: well youre talking to me
jereminion: about va
jereminion: and im the producer
jereminion: its about gears of war
disinterest: ...have you ever felt fear
jereminion: its gonna be a short funny clip
jereminion: i conjour magic
disinterest: hence...?
jereminion: hence is a bad word
jereminion: jk
disinterest: you're one to talk, what with having "remi" in
the middle of your screen name
disinterest: fucking remis
jereminion: can you stop that
disinterest: motherfuckers stole my ten speed, yamsain
disinterest: stop what
jereminion: stop harassing me
disinterest: huh?
jereminion: do you va
disinterest: I didn't say anything
disinterest: of course I do, dumboears
jereminion: when can yo
disinterest: how do you think I got to be the
underground sensation I am today?
jereminion: can you now
disinterest: now? right now?
jereminion: theres a reason you areu nderground
disinterest: impossible.
jereminion: if u know what i mean
disinterest: damn remis are all alike
disinterest: with your slanted foreheads
disinterest: and squinty eyes
jereminion: ya
disinterest: and germanic languages
jereminion: are you emo
disinterest: isn't he the retarded muppet?
jereminion: you are
disinterest: your approach to recruiting new talent is
highly dubious
disinterest: regardless, indulge my curiosity about this
gears of war flash animation
jereminion: are you calling yourself a newb
jereminion: are u accepting your fate finaly
disinterest: hot to u
disinterest: I gotz hugz 4 u if u wuz bohn n da 80s
jereminion: ok
disinterest: but yeah
disinterest: what other interests do you have
disinterest: aside from making these stupid movies or
jereminion: just talking to you is my only interest
disinterest: ...perhaps you aren't so intacit in the art of
disinterest: alright, I'll tell you what
disinterest: oh
disinterest: shit
disinterest: I mean
jereminion: ok
disinterest: I'll tell you what?
jereminion: yes?
disinterest: ah, good
disinterest: there's this chick I used to know
disinterest: amanda
disinterest: you know her?
jereminion: i dont know who amanda or you are
disinterest: ah, but you should
jereminion: i know
disinterest: for she has an amulet of great power
disinterest: if you can find her for me and get that
amulet, I might be persuaded to lend you my ship
disinterest: er, voice
jereminion: ok
jereminion: i have the ammulet i gave it to you
jereminion: ok done
disinterest: amanda can usually be found in the village of
Oniera, out in the Eastern Wastes of Fenro
jereminion: ok
disinterest: Huh? no you haven't.
jereminion: yes i have
disinterest: your cheat codes won't work on me,
disinterest: then riddle me this
jereminion: i use gameshark
disinterest: if you "supposedly" acquired this "amulet"
disinterest: from "amanda"
jereminion: yers
disinterest: from the fucking "dungeon"
disinterest: ...
disinterest: then why aren't I voice acting for you?
jereminion: because you arent god enough
disinterest: and what the hell is Gears of War? some
sort of homosexual video series?
jereminion: queers of war
jereminion: is what ur refering to
disinterest: now you're talking superior flash
jereminion: o
jereminion: are you bored
disinterest: youre the dude who does queers of war,
jereminion: NO
disinterest: I can get the vaa admin to add that to your
title on the BOARD of VOICE ACTING
SUPREMACY if you are
disinterest: aren't?
disinterest: fuck
disinterest: I can't help you then
disinterest: sorry
jereminion: o
disinterest: may I recommend another person who
might be able to fill your gaping hole?
jereminion: YES
disinterest: he's a wonderful voice actor with oodles of
experience and time
disinterest: his name is Corey Maddox
jereminion: o i was talking to him
jereminion: he said i have to wait until tommorow
disinterest: as well you should
disinterest: a person of his caliber is worth waiting for
disinterest: er
disinterest: calibre
disinterest: unlike myself. I'd break your heart.
jereminion: i want u
jereminion: to va for me
disinterest: < break 3
jereminion: bad things can happen if you dont
disinterest: no can do, buddy
jereminion: u asked for it
disinterest: may I call you buddy? you remis like that
jereminion: YEA
jereminion: CAUSE WE PALS1111
disinterest: Are you familiar with the VAC? There's an
amazing talent pool there as well
jereminion: ya
jereminion: but they all ask 21 qquestions and never
disinterest: seeing as you'll be banned from the VAA
any minute now
jereminion: o lol
disinterest: ha ha
jereminion: i guess ill have to use proxy damn
disinterest: ah, I see. you are an eliter hacksore then
disinterest: with ltp phtio phreaking boxes and shit
jereminion: ya i downloaded the internet so i dont need
to pay for optimum online anymore
disinterest: I cannot compete
disinterest: give me your script.
jereminion: /p] downloadinternet.exe / execute
jereminion: use it to your own use
disinterest: not that script, you nazi murdering
jereminion: o
jereminion: what script
disinterest: the script for your flash animalnation
disinterest: I mean
jereminion: i thought you said you wouldnt
jereminion: say this
disinterest: but a hacker of your potiable skills...I
cannot reason
disinterest: okay
jereminion: how old are you
jereminion: dont say that
jereminion: you can respond to that via aim
disinterest: ...what the fuck are you talking about,
disinterest: youre going all elite on me
jereminion: i want to know who you should be in the
jereminion: cause if ur 14 then u cant be a certain
jereminion: and if ur 30 then u cant be a certain person
disinterest: well, what kind of characters are in it?
jereminion: 2 young guys and 1 old guy
disinterest: go on
disinterest: NOW
jereminion: thats it
disinterest: tell me about them.
jereminion: 2 of them are younger than the older man
disinterest: yes, I already got that
jereminion: o
jereminion: well the 1 older guy is all skilled warrior
disinterest: ...hoshit
jereminion: and the 2 guys are younger and they are
new soldiers
jereminion: and they are scared
disinterest: superhacker writing about the gears of
sacred war
disinterest: but, jere
disinterest: babe
jereminion: ya
disinterest: we need to do something about the older
disinterest: I mean, an experienced warrior?
disinterest: that's shit.
disinterest: did you write that?
jereminion: yea
disinterest: ....
jereminion: he commands the younger 2
jereminion: and he dies
jereminion: dont cry on me
disinterest: this is sounding worse and worse, I gotta be
jereminion: lol
jereminion: it wil be funny
disinterest: I pride myself on being able to set a good
mis en scene
disinterest: but from what you're telling me? Corey
Maddox could wipe your ass on the computer screen
and it'd be better
disinterest: er no wait corey's supposed to be good my
bad huolz
disinterest: but I digress.
disinterest: what I think you should do
jereminion: are you a va
jereminion: OR NOT
disinterest: and you should pay good attention cause
youre a lowly fuckshit
jereminion: if ur not a va im gonna hax ur mainframe
disinterest: is do what the screenwriter's classes taught
young screenwriters to do.
disinterest: K I L it.
jereminion: K I L
disinterest: Keep. It. Loose. it's an acronym
jereminion: i dont know what keep it loose means
disinterest: of course you dont, you remi scum
disinterest: It means...
jereminion: can you va for me
disinterest: writing without straight lines.
jereminion: ok
disinterest: stepping back a bit.
jereminion: can you va for me
disinterest: letting the script breathe
jereminion: im just gonna keep asking
disinterest: I'm getting to that, you impatient twit
disinterest: you want quality or not?
jereminion: ya
disinterest: good
jereminion: i want quality
disinterest: then kindly listen
jereminion: u dont always get what you want
disinterest: and you want me to be in a flash animation
so horrid it can be used as a sleeping aide
disinterest: but...
disinterest: see..
disinterest: I don't want that
disinterest: and you dont want that either
jereminion: ya i do
disinterest: I expected as much
disinterest: but here's the thing
disinterest: or teh thing, as you kiddies say
jereminion: dont mock me
disinterest: What? dont be presumptuous
jereminion: im premiscuous girl
jereminion: ur teasing me
disinterest: I am simply anticipating the shit quality of
your planned animation and desire to improve it
jereminion: thx for supporting me
jereminion: you can only improve my participatino
jereminion: and by participation i mean va
jereminion: and by va i mean saying the lines i give
jereminion: and by saying the lines i give i mean va
disinterest: one cannot sell a turd, no matter how gilded
it may be
jereminion: ya u can, people can sell the iphone
jereminion: do u get the joke
jereminion: or should i describe it
disinterest: ...I wish I hadn't
disinterest: here's the thing you simply cant grasp
disinterest: I can help YOU
jereminion: ok
disinterest: by making your script
jereminion: ok make it
disinterest: ...good, I guess is the word
disinterest: alright
disinterest: they're in the middle of the battle field, right?
jereminion: YEA
disinterest: shells are flying around
jereminion: YEA
disinterest: shooting grits everythere
disinterest: ..what the hell are grits in the ordnance
disinterest: NEVER MIND
disinterest: any way
disinterest: the older soldier
disinterest: a gruff man, a soul with a shattered past,
every battle etched into his tired face
disinterest: he stands amid the bedlam, the beautiful
Seran architecture being rended around him
disinterest: his eyes fall to the two young soldiers hidden
behind a bullet-rampaged rampart
disinterest: the ash falling from the skies, swirling like
black snow, smear against the face of one the kids, his
eyes both doe-like and determined all at once
disinterest: the other? lost to battle. screaming in
tongues. firing in random bursts into the air, hitting Locust
and sky in indeterminite spasms of violence
jereminion: sry can you repeat
jereminion: i accidentally xed out window cause there
was shit
disinterest: Squinting his eyes, the gruff older soldier
huddles near the first younger soldier, and puts an arm on
his sholder
disinterest: your shit, your loss
jereminion: lol
jereminion: if u va then ill do it
disinterest: I was just getting to the part where the older
soldier starts rubbing his hard cock on the younger
soldier's thigh
jereminion: o
disinterest: see? you need to bring the narrative up
disinterest: like the older soldiers dong
disinterest: you cannot write like this
jereminion: ur a bad va
disinterest: then why approach me?
jereminion: cause you wont show your demo
jereminion: u must be so bad
disinterest: I don't have a demo, you remi stoopshanks
jereminion: u must be so bad theres no point in a demo
jereminion: do you hate me
disinterest: do you feel me to be so judgemental in your
jereminion: ya
disinterest: I say, wait for Corey Maddox. He is
jereminion: do you voice act
disinterest: He could play all three characters
jereminion: no
disinterest: and your queers of war animation would be
the best yet
jereminion: o
jereminion: so you dont va
disinterest: oh, I do
disinterest: not for you
jereminion: plz
jereminion: lol
jereminion: plz
disinterest: I dont feel that your heterosexual clip would
benefeit from my beneferernce
disinterest: eg participation
jereminion: if u participate then all the ladies will like u
disinterest: I think that if you get me to participate, then
all the ladies will like you
jereminion: in flash ladies like U
disinterest: This is a given
jereminion: unlike you
disinterest: but I'm afraid that your dickstomping
hardluck chicken fried tendercock flash beastialityation
will have to go on without me
disinterest: soldier on, soldier beats
jereminion: fag
disinterest: :-(
disinterest: Queers of War, coming out November
jereminion signed off at 1:48:46 AM.