Calculating and cruel Thomas is a Sly or trickster spirit. He's not the kind of guy you'd want to meet down a dark and dingy alley. This Wolf has lived in the forest for some time,so he knows his way around. He has power over lesser evil spirits and a huge appetite.


Azure's comments: In the early stages of the script I was getting worried, I had no villans which are allways a big part in this genre. Initially I imaged Thomas as child-like trickster in the vein of Puck in Midsumers night dream. As I wrote he become more and more evil. somewhere along the line he became a wolf ( although at one point he was a pig) and I think it really suits him. A big part of the character was inspired by listening to voice clips of Blue who struck me early on as having jsut the kind of voice a role like this required.


Andy's Comments:

( cnumbers refer to illustrations click to view)


So damn difficult was he to come up with!!^^

1. Originally Tom was going to be a Nasty imp-like child that wore sticks & bark for clothing & a dead
Ladybug on his head.
This was going to be way too difficult to animate,Colour & keep in proportion. I also felt Tom
Should be more Threatening!

2. Tom changed from Child to Pig....Two reasons....First one being I wanted to do a 'nod' to the great
Hayao Miyazaki (He loves pigs!)...Secondly Tom's Character always referred to things as edible!
Rebecca didnt want a pig (I guess it was either Cliche or just had a hate for piggies! ^^).
So I fiddled with the idea of him being a fat wolf spirit.
I tried Different head gear (even a Pirate look!) Maybe even give him a blind eye.

3. Yep Tom is now established as A Gluttonous Wolf....We liked the Ladybug helmet so I tried it out..looks silly huh?

4. Thinking about oriental spiritual themes I gave Tom a 'Shogun' kind of look...somehow it stuck!
Because of this the helmet looked even more odd! Sooooo....

5.(FINAL DESIGN) I ditched the Ladybug helmet & gave him horns to look more demonic and a long black headcover made
of cloth. Im extremely happy with the final look.